
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fresh Cuts: It's that time again...

It's that time again...for three things actually.

1) Another hint at what I got in the mail this past weekend. Here is your second opportunity to take a guess. (This is the last hint)

2) It's that time again for something special...referred to in the picture above :)

3) It's that time again for more Fresh Cuts! I may need to do a little research because after looking at the Anthropologie website today, I discovered that TODAY (not Tuesday) they updated their "Fresh Cuts" Page. So is Wednesday the new day? I had a feeling they hadn't updated much when I looked yesterday, but let's be honest, there are ALWAYS items I want from that page. So here is this week's second installment of Fresh Cuts!

Elecampane Peasant 
Pilcro Straight Ankle Chinos
Vivid Brink Belt
Chiapas Scarf 
Swinside Danglers
Add a pair of ballet flats to this look and call it a day! 

Well, after a couple of rough days and equally rough nights of sleep, my sister told me to "grab a cup of coffee and go walk somewhere that inspires you," so I'm going to do that. I already got the coffee part in the bag (or rather my belly) so I'm off to a walk and a stop at none other than...Anthropologie! 

Be back later with more thoughts...hopefully inspired ones!


  1. Do you know how excited your brother in law was to be on your blog? He actually told me last week that one of his goals was to be on "Anthropology of a Girl." True Story. Loving the new content!!

  2. I had no idea how excited he was although he did tweet me about it! I don't even think I realized he read it at all! I'm sure there will be more to come :)
