
Monday, October 31, 2011

Fresh Start -- What's Yours?

I went on my first real diet after my sophomore year of college. That might seem fitting considering the dreaded "freshman 15" we were all warned about, but for me that wasn't the issue.

Growing up I was never that big. Looking back at pictures of me as a young child I was small, if not petite at times. As I got older, I guess I realized I liked food and lived in a family that not only liked food, but needed food. I fit right in. Even still, I was never "big" as you would imagine a "big" kid would be. I was downright average.

While I loved T.V. and watching slightly age-inapropriate movies (Son-in-Law anyone?), I wasn't lazy and wouldn't consider myself a couch potato. Money-woes prevented me from playing team sports, but I'm not sure I would have been any good at them anyways. In place of team sports I spent hours on end at the local pool and running amok through the neighborhood.

Just before middle school I hit that point where I was definitely not the smallest kid in class, but also not the biggest. I was smack dab in the middle. This is probably when I started playing the comparison game.

"Ugh, she's so small-I wish I were tiny like her."

"Well, at least I'm not as big as that kid!"

It's a sick game, and one I still struggle with at times as an adult.

High school was pretty much the same story. To my benefit I did grow in height to make up for some of my width, but to my dismay, my mom packed a pretty legit cream cheese-filled blueberry bagel and an Titanic sized bag of Goldfish crackers. Both of which I had consumed in part by the time third period rolled around. This is about when I realized that I needed food. And that I needed a good breakfast.

For your personal enjoyment on a Monday:
Roger & I at my High School Graduation Party 
Going into college I was determined NOT to gain the "freshman 15" everyone seemed to be taunting me with. In my mind there was no reason for it and no excuse. I felt I was at the weight I was supposed to be at and a weight I was determined to stay at.

While I did manage to keep most of that dreaded weight off, I did notice my body changing, and I didn't really love it. I also couldn't help but notice the tiny little bodies of my roommates and floormates that I just couldn't quite keep up with. I also noticed the freshman 15 some of those girls started  gaining, and I was eternally grateful I had kept most of that at bay.

Then, at the start of sophomore year I joined a gym. I went on a "healthy eating" kick where I did not restrict myself, but ate lots of healthy salads from the caf and snacks from Trader Joes. And by lots I mean probably too much. Thankfully I was burning more calories to balance it all out, but then again I was also gaining plenty of muscle. So. Not. OK.

So after two months and five pounds I quit the gym. Fast forward to the summer, moving into my first apartment (a story in itself) and living on my own-own for the first time. I went on my own version of the "Morris-Family-Diet" and lost a considerable amount of weight. I wasn't exercising much if at all, but was working plenty and dropping pounds quickly. 22-25 to be exact. Wahoo!!

Personal enjoyment #2:
Diane & I about, junior year of college 
It was then that I really fell in love with breakfast and started waking up at the crack of dawn for it (something I definitely continue doing to this day). I was pretty strict with my eating, but I saw the results so I was totally OK with it, except that I was hungry. Often.

However, like with any worth-while diet, you have off days and days you don't do so well. Such is life. This is when I implemented the motto "tomorrow is a new day". And it's true, tomorrow is always a new day and a fresh start.. My diet and exercise routines have changed and morphed over the years-something I am truly grateful for, but I still have off days or weeks and still need fresh starts. Honestly I think everyone needs a fresh start every once and a while whether or not that new start has to do with food, health, or exercise. I'm not in love with New Year's Resolutions, but there is something nice about the new year and new start that it brings. I imagine every tomorrow as a mini New Year's Resolution.

What do you need a fresh start with?

To be continued...

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