
Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I've heard a number of good quotes lately. Definitely keeps to live by. Both of them actually came to me via my of her own and one she heard on the radio from Julia Child (because yes, my sister listens to talk radio on an incredibly regular basis).

"Everything in moderation, including moderation." -Julia Child

In a world that tells me to do this or that diet, avoid these foods, don't eat past this time or before this activity it's overwhelming to figure out exactly what diet/exercise ratio is best for me and my body. Generally speaking I get just enough healthy foods, and be active regularly. Easier said than done I guess.

I also have this issue with what I will call partial OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Why partial? Well, because if I admitted I had OCD, then I would be admitting I am not perfect....the pure torture of someone with OCD. SO, partial OCD it is. Anyways, because I like to do things WELL and ONLY well, starting a diet or exercise regime can be great, but also detrimental to the rest of my life. I get too far gone in my head, can be too hard on myself, and go to extremes that ultimately backfire.

We all know Julia Child loved her some butter...and some red meat...and I imagine a good chocolate cake. What you may not know is that I love a good steak, spoonfulls of peanut butter, and and a mean pumpkin pie. No, I don't eat these on a regular basis (ok, maybe I go through a jar of peanut butter every two weeks), but like Julia said, "Everything in moderation."

But then there is the second part, "...including moderation." Sometimes there are just days and moments and celebration where a little indulgence is in order. Whether it be your birthday (when calories don't count anyways), the end of a rough week, or perhaps the time of the month when a certain aunt makes her visit, sometimes you just gotta live a little. Break free. Don't stress about the calories, the fat or the carbs. Don't stress about what it will add to your waist line or those saddle bags you've been avoiding in the mirror. Just live your life, don't stress, and ENJOY yourself. ENJOY food. ENJOY life.

This life we have is a short one. Make it the best thing you can, and stop taking things so seriously!

Ok, maybe I needed this pep talk more than you, but humor me a little :)

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