
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fresh Cuts: Boots

Hooray! It's Tuesday! Seriously, these "Fresh Cuts" posts on Tuesdays are becoming my favorite. I may need to brainstorm an idea of how to post more products from Anthropologie...there is just TOO much good stuff to not highlight! I think my goal in life is to bring everyone into the light of how great Anthropologie really is.

When I first opened up the Fresh Cuts page this morning my first reaction was, "Ah! Boots!"This is the perfect time of year to pull out your boots, or if you're like me, start looking for a pair. I have one pair of mock cowgirl boots from Target that I love, but they aren't the type of boot you can wear with everything. Maybe I'll use my Anthro birthday card to buy myself an even more discounted!

Now that the weather is a little bit cooler and flip-flops are moving into the "off-season" category (although they are never fully in that category seeing that I live in SoCal) I can't help but have boot envy. It happens every year. There are always classics taunting my name, as well as more unique styles that I can't help but dream about. A good friends of mine ALWAYS has good boots this time of year. They cute-ify absolutely every outfit she wears and instantly make her look put together. I have GOT to get me a pair! But until I do, here are the boots that currently have me licking my lips and wagging my tail.

Inkwood Boots
Steep Buckle Moto Boots
Brass Tacks Boots
High-Tied Boots
Hyssop Booties
Rainier Ridge Boots
Buckled Triad Booties
Now if only my calves weren't so big...

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